Thursday, January 8, 2009

Seven Things...

Okay, seeing as I haven't posted anything in a while, I have a lot to say. Seven things to be exact. *^^see the title^^*

1. The first thing on my mind is something I was thinking of yesterday, and It's something I need to say. Jeff, if you're reading this, (Sara, make sure he's reading this) I'm sorry. I said some things about you in some of my earlier posts that I'm not proud of. I thought it would make me feel strong to stand up against you, but I realize now that what I said was very un-christian and I didn't even try to see things from your point of, I'm sorry.

2. The second thing I'm thinking about is love. Define it, enjoy it, live it, or give it, it's amazing no matter what. Seeing as nothing has actually happened between us yet, I can't really say any more.

3. Third thing: Writing...I haven't been doing a lot of it. It's not that I have writer's block, and it's not because people around me aren't supportive, it's because my life is good. I heard a quote once that said, "when you're in love, you can't sleep because reality is better than your dreams". This is why I haven't done any writing in a while. Right now, my life is better than anything I could make up in a story.

4. I'm getting baptized Sunday. It's going to be amazing and wonderful. I know it's something that I fully want to do, and I believe I'm ready to really commit to Christ. I can't wait!!

5. Dance class is tonight, and I'm going to invite Matt to my baptism. I'm also going to invite him to join me and some of my friends to go to a movie afterwards...we'll see how that goes.

6. My mom's health is slowly increasing, so praise God for that

7. I'm hoping I can stay the night at Sara's house before the baptism...I'll find out tonight.

Those are my seven things...what's yours???

BYL!!! (Blog Ya Later)


  1. 7 Things is a really good song!!!

    Haha. Distracted. =)

    Okiedokie, so my seven things will be in my next posty, but current seven thoughts on YOUR seven thoughts ... ya following me? Haha

    1. Agreed. Like, completely ... I'm really not proud of anything I do anyways ... =(

    2. Yepperdoodles! Love must be nice to feel every so often =/

    3. Yeah, I noticed that, Miss Leave-Megan-In-Complete-Suspense!! Haha I'm totally kidding you ... but that's really awesome that reality is better than dreams for ya!

    4. MANNN I wish I could be there ... and unless some things dramatically change over the next day, I probably won't be at the movies, which is only one of the things that is depressing me now ... =(

    5. Awesome! Tell everyone I said hi, as I won't be there either ... =(

    6. AWESOMEE!!! It's supah good to know that our prayers are working =)

    7. Coolio! Have fun if ya do, and let everyone know that I said heyy! =)

    Welll, off to blog my seven things ... that's not a bad idea .. you might have started a blogger-wide seven things blogging frenzy!!!

    ~ MeGaN
    <33 =(

    creepy ... my verification word was "demons".

  2. Yay!

    I read your current thiggamabobber!

    You is reading Twilight and falling in looove all over again ... yays all around!











    I haven't talked to you in like forever ... I have a lotta awesome-y things to tell you!!

    Which I COULD tell you in this comment ...

    but that'd just ruin it!


    okiedokie, I'm off! Ciao!

    ~ MeGaN
    <33 xD
