Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Quick Update

Well, lately things have just been...up and down. There have been a lot of fears and a lot of doubts. But for every fear and doubt, there has been a joy and a triumph. I've gotten back to journaling, which I love. It is a way for me to take what I'm feeling and put it down on paper, something tangible that I can look back at. And it's organized, which is not exactly a trait that my mind can brag about. There's actually a lot that's been going on since the last time I blogged and I'm going to try and get it down for you the best I can.

As far as spiritual things go, I would say that I'm learning a lot. I've come back to the place where I am content to sit at God's feet and have Him teach me. For the longest time, I was playing Martha, so busy bustling around and trying to make sure things got done, that I lost sight of why I was working and who I was working for. God is teaching me now what it's like to come to Him in times of need, to lean on Him for my comfort, and to just trust in Him no matter what. It's a beautiful experience. <3

To be quite honest, nothing much has been happening with school because 1) we are out of school for Christmas break and 2) even if school was supposed to be in session, we'd be considered snowed out. But before I left for Christmas, there were a couple awesome things going on. First off, my US History class is getting easier. I have a quiz the day I come back, though, which I'm not looking forward to. My speech class got our bucket-fillers (nice stuff that we all wrote about each other and were then gather, sorted and delivered anonymously , and they were absolutely amazing. Some of the stuff that I read on those feel-goods made me cry :'). The FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) was planning to do an assembly, which got cancelled due to snow, but it's still awesome that we got it approved. Who says God isn't allowed in schools? And lastly, interims had just come out and I was very excited about the grades on mine :)

I only have 6 hours of driving left until I have my full 45 hours that I need to get my license!! This is, of course, good news. The bad news is that it doesn't look like my dad will be willing to take me any time soon. We'll see how things go.

Right now, one sentence will sum up how I feel about most of my friends. I miss them. Some are farther away than others, some I'm closer to than others, and some I've seen more recently than others, but between missing church, school being out, and being snowed in, the majority of my friends I have not seen in a while. I miss them, and I hope to see them all again soon.

My novel that I was previously working on, Ella's Will, is on hold at the moment. I can't say right now if I will ever get back to it. It's not that I didn't like what was happening or that I didn't know what to write next, I just am not in a place where I feel capable of finishing it. Maybe I'll come back to it, maybe not. Everything else, though, is going on just as normal. I have written some new peoms and lots of short stories. If anyone wants to read them, just comment on this post with your e-mail and I can get them to you :)

If I haven't mentioned something here, it's probably going along just as normal. I hope to be posting more often now, but I make no promises. In any case, I wish everyone the best for the new year!

~Rachel <3

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