*Sigh* Sometimes word's just don't explain the joy, the love, and the comfort that you feel inside. Tonight was absolutely amazing. I got to go swimming with one of my favorite families and had an amazing times there. While I was there, I got to relax on a hammock with my sissy and read some of her school notes (believe it or not, this is fun for me). After that, she took me home and I made dinner for the covered-dish dinner at church (Macaroni and Cheese, yumm ^_^). We got to church and I spent almost all of my free time hanging out with some of cutest and most fun kids on the planet. We had a wonderful dinner, which included Caramel Apple Pecan Pie (calling it plain old Apple Pie does not do it justice, Michael!), then headed to the playground for our normal playtime until class started. However, the playground, when we arrived, was swarming with bees and so we weren't allowed to play there. Plan B turned out to be hide and seek in the back lawn of the church.
Now, let me first explain that the back lawn of our church is virtually open aside from 2 or 3 sheds to hide behind. This never stopped the kids. We ran and ran and ran in a game that was half hide-and-seek, half tag, and we kept running until it was finally just a free for all running match! But oh, the fun we had on that little open patch of grass. We had some falls, tumbles, and the occasional bumped head, but we all made it out alive and headed into our classes.
Once everyone had gotten into class and settled down, we played a trivia game and started class. There was something different tonight about the opening prayer. Almost everyone had something to say and they all seemed to be very open, including myself. I learned about people from the way that they prayed, and more importantly, I learned things (or rather, re-learned things) about God. I can't say right yet exactly what happened in that moment, but I know that it was a good experience, and one that I really needed.
When class was over, I picked right back up where I left off with the McCray girls...we went onto the front lawn and really just walked for a little while. At one point, I was standing with Faith and Marissa, the older two girls, and Abby, the youngest at 3, started wandering out into the empty parking lot. I called her name repeatedly, but she didn't even acknowledge that she heard me. She just kept staring off at something in the distance. I finally went after her and asked her why she didn't answer when I called her name. She looked at me, looked back at the sky, pointed up, and said, "Look! The moon's following me!" That was just about the cutest thing ever.
A few minutes later, I delivered all 3 girls back to their parent's van, and Abby says, "Will you come home with us, Rachel?". When I said I couldn't, she gave me this look that just made me want to cry. Little ones can sure be persuasive when they want, can't they? lol I gave her a hug goodbye and waved as I walked back to my truck to head home with the family. I will fall asleep happy tonight and dream wonderful dreams, this I am sure of. ^_^
So, indeed, it is the little things in life...and sometimes even the little people ;)
~Rachel <3
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