Saturday, April 4, 2009

Long Week...

Ok, this has been a really long week for me. I've been on top of the world one day and knocked flat on my butt the next. There's so much stuff going on in my life that it's not even funny. I'm just gonna steal one of Keith Urban's quotes and describe what's going on in my life as, "Love, Pain, & The Whole Crazy Thing". It really is. I'm being pulled in a bunch of different directions and all I want is something familiar to hold onto, but right now, every direction I'm being pulled is something new and (to be fairly honest) scary. It's like being thrown into the middle of the ocean, someone telling you there may or may not be sharks in the water, and asking you to swim to shore, which is either in that direction (points right), that direction, (points left), or that direction, (points forward)...Good luck!! Yeah, not fun...

Oh well, I have to go now...maybe I'll explain some more later.


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