Sunday, September 21, 2008

Missin' Meggie

Right now I am missing my dear captain. It seems to be all I can do not to burst into tears at the thought of her. I have on occasion done this, which is why I mentioned it. Luckily, she will be with us tonight in class, but 'tis just not the same. I understand now why she left, what with all the confusion and conflict with big-head. I will not honor him so as to capitalize his well deserved nickname. I write this with haste, seeing as I will soon be leaving my room and returning once again to my safe haven. It begins to seem a scarier place without my beloved Captain, and sister there with me. I will try my best to make it through, for her sake. She has told me multiple times that she does not wish emotional suffering on anyone. My heart goes out tonight to our fearless leader, Mrs. Brown. She seems the only one right now, realizing the intensity of the situation...and the pain it has caused. I fear I am soon to be on silent terms with big-head, if he keeps up the way is doing now. However, it will be very hard to sever all aquaintance, as I could not possibly think of not speaking to his daughter, the woderful Sara. I speak very highly of her, because she saved me when I was at the deepest darkest part of my life. She has taught me so many valuble things...mainly this..."Hugs don't stop the tears...they just change the reason for them." Alas I must go, for my father is standing in the doorway looking down upon me. I beleive it is time to return for the church. I have only one last question.

How can someone hurt another human being, and then look you in the eyes and deny it the very next day?

Until our paths cross again,
First Mate MiniMeg


  1. I miss you too ... last night was without a doubt one of the best nights of my life, but twas still not the same.
    I was very troubled that big-head showed up and saw me (or at least heard me) last eve. I certainly hope that he does not press the matter in any way that would get any of you, my dear friends, in trouble.
    The Breakdancing Ninja of Darkness speaks truth ... her words of wisdom I shall carry with me. And I implore you not to sabatoge any ties you may have with big-head, because he will certainly not allow the friendship between you and sweet Sara to continue on if he knows which side you have taken. (I shudder at the thought of sides ... it makes me feel unwell.) Alas, it is only a matter of time until my strong friendship with The King is severed ... I shall grieve tremendously once the day comes.
    Your words make me ponder. I do not think that they realize what they are doing ... they only know what they want to know. I believe that if they were to see the tears shed and the truth revealed, then they would understand. But right now, in these dark times, nothing is certain, and they refuse to see light.

    I am sorry for every tear spilled on my account. Know this: That I will never, ever undo the marvelous friendship I have found with you, dear sister. As the elves say, "Maegovon, mellon." Well met, friend.

    Until our paths cross again,
    ~ Captain Meggy-San

  2. The world is an ocean of truths and lies, and our emotions can blind us to the facts. It's often best to ask all the hard questions in order to find the real truth, and thus avoid following a fabrication that supports one side.

    Every reality has two sides. Wisdom dictates that you listen to both with an open mind; foolishness, on the other hand, says to listen to what you want to hear and then judge in error?
