Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Princes, Castles, and Balls...and no, it's not a fairytale...it's a LOVE STORY!!

Okay, I know I haven't gotten a chance to blog a lot lately, but nothin really new has been happenin to me lately...I'm almost to the halfway point on my frantic novel, and to be quite honest, I am having great difficulty getting that last couple thousand words in...no that is not sarcasm...normally I can write about 2,ooo words a day...don't laugh...that's just me...
Anyway, I'm sure you're just dying to know what this post is really about...^^see above title^^...so here it is..I was at a ball on Friday...no, I'm not kidding, I really was...and I met a prince...again..not kidding...his name is Matthew...but I just call him Matt...and he really is a prince...he has rule over a little seperate kingdom of my heart where we own a castle and live happily ever after...so, as you can so obviously see, I'm on cloud nine right now, so if you'd like to speak to me, you'll have to shout, or else there's no way I'll here you from all the way up here....
So anyway...we danced all night and once, when the instructor said to find different partners, he put his arm around me as though he was not leaving...I think I went up to cloud 10 on that one...sadly, the instructor made him leave and take a different partner...like I said, sad...however, he did dance the next dance with me.
We met up again after the intermission and went to our favorite corner of the dance floor, which he so greatly named "Matt and Rachel's corner"...I like to change the 'corner' part to 'castle', but I was happy just the same. shortly after that...and this was my FAVORITE PART...we were about to dance and one of Matt's companions came over to speak with him. He immediately threw his arms around me and said something very closely along the lines of "Get away, she's mine! You wanna dance with her, you know you do." His friend just smiled and walked away, but I was probably glowing and was turning the color of a ripe strawberry at the very same time...check the cloud-meter...yepp...just as I suspected....it broke...
I was, to quote Pride and Prejudice "completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy"...I shall aslo steal another quote from the wonderful movie...*talking to myself*..."he danced with you half the night and stared at you for the rest of it."...it was amazing to say the least, and...good news...I'll be going to yet another ball this Friday, and his attendence has been confirmed!!!!! I shall be utterly delighted to see him again, and hopefully this time, our conversation in the back room will not be inturrupted by the arrival of my father...
Until next time, I wish you all a pleasant day and delightful friends like the ones I have come to know and love so very much

~Rachel...or MiniMeg for all of you Pirate Ninja's out there

(********)9...oh, look...a poofy little cloud nine...with me layin on top!!!! Hi, me!!!!....I even have a little crown...and a pretty dress...and cute little glass slippers!!!!!...I'm a REAL PRINCESS!!!!!!!